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Family Portrait Commission

Now this commission has be given as a gift, I can share it with you all. This is a family portrait commission where I was working from different photos, combining them to create one cohesive portrait. Both the customer and the person it was gifted to were very pleased with the result.

Completed on A4 paper with 2H, 4B and 8B mechanical and graphite pencils.

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Tattoo Firsts

I have started drawing some famous basketball players to raise money for my local wheelchair basketball club . Kobe Bryant is up first. Over the years I’ve designed several tattoos, but I’ve never had to draw a person who has them. The hardest part of this drawing (so far) has been making the sweat on this head look realistic and drawing the stubble. Both of these elements are also drawing firsts for me, so overall this project has been a massive learning curve. Keep an eye out for the finished piece!

This is done on A4 paper with a mechanical pencil with 4B and 2H lead, and an 8B graphite pencil.